Monday, February 19, 2007

Quote of the Week

"Success is goals, and all else is commentary."
Lloyd Conant, Co-Founder of Nightingale-Conant

That's a pretty direct statement from the mouth of Mr. Conant who partnered up with Earl Nightingale and created a personal development company that has lasted for over 40 years. In fact, the two of them pretty much created the personal development industry.

He's was right - goal setting is the premiere way of keeping your dreams and desires at the top of your mind. Reviewing your goals on a daily basis keeps those dreams and desires alive and insures that they are not forgotten - even for a day - and that's huge!

You see, every day circumstances present themselves that will move you closer to your goals, but you must be ready to act upon those opportunities. Your action is more likely to be realized if you've read your goals within the last 12 to 24 hours. You'll be looking for them...

Want to go one step further? Rewrite your goals every day. The effort of reading and reviewing coupled with the action of writing will solidify your goals in your mind. After only a few weeks you'll be able to quote your goals word for word. Once you can do that - you own the goals.

Goals are everything... but I'm still glad there is room for commentary - that's what we do!


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