Monday, November 05, 2007

Laws of Success for Sales Professionals

There are fundamental laws that if consistently followed will lead to sales success in any industry. Conversely, these same laws cannot be subverted over long periods of time without serious consequences.

Here are three important laws of success for sales professionals:

1. The Law of Attraction - Simply put, this law says that you are, and will become, that which you think about most of the time. The dominant thoughts in your mind will ultimately express themselves in your words and actions. Think negative and you'll soon be talking negative. Talk negative and you'll act negative and attract other negative people. Soon you'll be surrounded and ultimately consumed by the worst in you, the worst in others and the worst about your industry and the company you work for.

Do the exact opposite and you'll soon be surrounded by success. This is such a basic concept and easy to do, but what's easy to do is also easy not to do! Too many people are looking for complex solutions when the simplest adjustments in their thinking can make the most dramatic changes in their production.

2. The Law of the Harvest - This law outlines the key relationship between activity and productivity, you reap what you sow. Quality effort applied to activities such as prospecting and follow up will lead to new business.

Engaging in "planting" activities such as planning and training keep you focused on positive thoughts. You reap what you sow; therefore, take the time to plan your production and what you want your business to look like in 2008. Then do the daily disciplines necessary to achieve the results you want.

3. The Law of Reciprocation - This is the key law to all lasting long-term relationships. Giving without expectation of immediate return. The law states that when you give to others they feel inclined to give back.

In today's economy, all selling is relationship selling! You must be building relationships with quality referral partners and you must be nurturing your database. Failure to do so will result in serious production loss. What goes around will come around - that is the essence of the law of reciprocation.

There are dozens of other laws that apply to business, but these three are critical for sales professionals. Follow these laws now - and you'll have more success in the future!