Friday, May 12, 2006

Lighten Up Sales People

Sales professionals take it on the chin every day don’t they… not only are people telling them “NO” more than they tell them ‘yes,” they have to live up to that old adage, “the customer is always right.”

Well I think that old adage is old for a reason. I also think that statement is a bunch of crap.

I say the customer (client in my vocabulary) is right sometimes and the client is wrong sometimes. Doesn’t that make a whole lot of sense to you? It does to me. If something goes wrong, sometimes it’s our fault as sales people, sometimes it’s the fault of someone in our service department or billing department and sometimes, believe it our not, it’s the clients fault.

Who are some of the worst clients? Other sales people. Yep, admit it.

When things go wrong and we’re the client, we get really crazy and sometimes say the most revolting things. Why? Because our clients do it to us and we want a little revenge. A little payback. (You’re doing one of three things right now: 1. Smiling. 2. Grimacing. 3. Pondering.)

If you are number three – it means you may have taken someone’s head off before when they have missed your expectations. Perhaps you’ve fallen into the habit or you just identify with the concept. If you are doing this… stop now. Give your sales “brethren and sisters” a break the next time they fall below your expectations. Ask them to make things right if it’s appropriate, but don’t look to hang them out to dry and don’t get verbally abusive.

If you are a number two – that means you most likely don’t have this challenge.

If you are number one – you are a sadistic piece of work and you must stop this practice immediately! Ever heard of Karma?

Here’s my advice on dealing with clients who get out of line… tell them they are out of line. Tell them you understand that there is a challenge and that you’d like to find a solution that is best for both parties. BUT tell them that acting rude or making ultimatums that cannot be met is not a solution.

Remember, some clients are not worth having. Have you ever heard that before? I’ll say it again… some clients are not worth having. Selling is about building relationships and helping other people. Some products and services are more complex than others, but an interaction is taking place and it doesn’t need to be unpleasant.

I don’t like “mean people” and I try not to be a “mean people.” As a fellow sales person let me admonish you not to be a “mean people” either. Next time a salesperson blows it, don’t stick a nuclear weapon down their shorts.

Lighten Up.