Monday, February 12, 2007

Quote of the Week

One of my favorite personal development books is "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David J. Schwartz, PhD.

I can't recall how I came by this book, but I have given it to countless employees and friends as a tool for success. It's a classic and I recommend you go get it! I've pulled the quote of the week from Chapter 8 entitled "Make Your Attitudes Your Allies" and here it is:

"Obviously, there is something more than facilities and competence that makes for accomplishment. I have come to believe that this linkage factor, this catalyst, if you will, can be defined in a single word - attitude. When our attitude is right, our abilities reach a maximum of effectiveness and good results inevitably follow."

Erwin H. Schell

Dr. Schwartz cites this quote by Professor Schell which illuminates the fact that practically all individuals, save the mentally disabled, have enough intelligence and competence to be incredibly successful. What most individuals lack however is a positive outlook on their life and the circumstances they encounter on a daily basis.

Change your attitude and everything will change for you.


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