Monday, March 19, 2007

Quote of the Week

This week’s quote comes from Jeffrey Gitomer...

"Knowing what it will take to get someones business is one of the least used and most powerful techniques to getting new business. Your job is not to use this technique. Your job is to master it."

In Gitomer's work "The Little Red Book of Sales Answers" he outlines the three dumbest questions sales people ask. Once you read them, you have to agree with him... they are dumb.

Third Dumbest - "Have you ever heard of us?" If you have to ask it means that you're prospecting and not working with an established client. So why waste time and risk a "no" within the first 30 seconds.

Second Dumbest - "Can you tell me a little bit about your company?" Gitomer nails the reason behind this question being second to the most lame question when he says "This question means that you were either too lazy or too stupid to go to the Internet and find out about them." Don't risk losing credibility (in the common sense department) by asking this question. Do your home work before making a serious presentation.

The Dumbest Question in Sales - "What will it take to get your business?" This question opens the door for you to lower your price to rock bottom - the absolute lowest price your manager will let you take for your product or service.

Think about it... the prospective client isn't going to say "give me great service" or "I really want the best product in the market, is yours the best?" They are business professionals too - which means they know how to negotiate and they are going to say "right now price is everything and the lowest price is going to get my business."

Bottom line - don't ask this one.


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