Monday, February 27, 2006

What Are You Waiting For?

“If you had one shot, or one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment, would you capture it… or just let it slip?”
Eminem – Lose Yourself

If you’ve ever seen the movie “8 Miles” then you might have heard the lyrics from the tune “Lose Yourself.” I heard the song on a recent iPod/iTunes commercial. (That’s right, I didn’t see the movie and I don’t listen to rap music), but the opening lyrics are pretty powerful and it made me think about the absolute choice we have over our own lives…

Here’s a question: Is 2006 shaping up to be your best year ever? If yes, I congratulate you! Now keep it up for 10 more months and you’ll have another excellent year in the bag. If you are behind, what are you waiting for? What are we all waiting for?

Here’s another question: Is something holding you back mentally or physically? Is there something you need to start doing? Is there something you need to stop doing?

In about thirty days, 25% of the year will have passed by... soon after that, it will be June and summer will be in full swing. Things move pretty fast after that and about 75% of the year will be gone before it cools off again here in the Arizona desert. Then the holidays will be here. So much begins to happen with Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hanukah that before you know it, you’ll be celebrating New Years Eve 2007. It happens that fast and you know it.

Jim Rohn says that our daily disciplines are what make us great. The more we focus on key disciplines, the more successful we will be. He also tells us that we continue to make mistakes in our choice of daily disciplines because the result of a poor choice doesn’t “befall us” in the same moment we make it. The consequence is often delayed, and thus our mistakes become disconnected from our ultimate failures, and when that happens we often begin looking for reasons why, usually missing the real culprit which is ourselves.

Success, like failure comes the same way… it takes a bit of time to see the fruits of your labor. You won’t see it instantly, and that’s why many people give up daily disciplines such as reviewing goals, saying affirmations, reading good books, making 100 calls a day, sending in referrals, setting meetings in the field – you name it.

On the other hand, if we can be consistent, we can seize everything and quit wondering when success is going to come our way. The truth is, you capture it.

You see, it’s not a sale, it’s a decision, and you make a decision in a moment. You can have every tool you need, every opportunity in front of you, but until you make a decision to be successful you won’t achieve all that is possible for you.

You can do it… or just let it slip.

I really don’t like rap… but I just added this tune to my workout playlist…


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