Monday, April 02, 2007

Quote of the Week

W. Clement Stone said...

"Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman, [salesperson] not the attitude of the prospect."

What a simple yet direct reminder that as sales professionals we make the key moves in the game of selling, and those moves are based on how we are thinking at the time we are playing. Too often we let sales go nowhere because we believe the sale has nowhere to go...

The difference? Our attitude.

Prejudging a client or an opportunity is one of the worst things we can do in selling. Since our thoughts determine our actions, what will be the result of a presentation where we believe a prospect is unqualified or will never say yes to our offering? Ninety percent of the time - exactly as we thought.

It seems there are so many quotes dealing with attitude and it's role in selling. In fact if you Google the two words together you get 2,030,000 hits. That's a lot of references to sort through put if you just move through the first ten pages I guarantee you'll have enough information to train yourself or your team for months!


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