Monday, January 29, 2007

Quote of the Week

My friend John Dahl who sells for IBM sent me the following quote on "thinking" and it's perfect for the profession of selling and the need to train... to study our products, our services and our craft which is persuasion.

Here's the quote...

“And we must study through reading, listening, discussing, observing and thinking. We must not neglect any one of those ways of study. The trouble with most of us is that we fall down on the latter – thinking – because it’s hard work for people to think. And, as Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler said recently, ‘all of the problems of the world could be settled if men were only willing to think.’”

Thomas Watson Sr., Founder of IBM

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink (or think). That must be done by the individuals looking to become better at what they do... not just be a salesperson, but be a sales professional.

Our mission at CMS Training is to "Elevate the Profession of Selling" by serving as a bridge between salespeople and relevant, timely and quality content. Hopefully when salespeople stop to think about what they are actually doing for their clients - they'll realize the need for training and growth - because it's training and growth that takes an amateur anything to a professional everything.


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