Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Pass the Show Up Test

Have you ever heard the phrase "showing up is half the battle?" I don't know who first came up with it but I do know that it makes sense to me. Another way that I have heard it put is you have to "pass the show up test."

I have taken this phrase and compiled a list of key things to do on any appointment, meeting or assignment. Here they are according to order of importance:

1. Show Up
2. Show Up on Time
3. Be Prepared
4. Have a Positive Attitude
5. Do Your Best

If showing up is half the battle, then showing up on time must advance you forward in some measurement. Show up early and that will move you forward even further.

Be prepared for your appointments, meetings and any other assignments. Do your homework and make sure you can convey that you are ready to do business, make recommendations and demonstrate that you are an industry expert in your field.

Ever heard that attitude is everything? That's not true - if showing up is half the battle (50%) then attitude cannot be everything (100%), but it is HUGE. Let's face it, there is enough negativity in business that we don't need to add any fuel to the fire. In fact, a positive demeanor and a positive approach will get you noticed. Enthusiasm SELLS!

Finally, do your best. Only you know if you are giving 100% in your appointments, meetings and other important encounters. In selling it is tough to do it day in and day out - you know it too if you are in the arena every day. As a manager I can only imagine and appreciate those that do it well.

Outside of selling this formula is just as true... teaching a Sunday School class - show up, be on time, be prepared, have a great attitude and do your best! You get the idea...

In all that you do pass the show up test!


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