Friday, January 27, 2006

Love at the Office?

Is it okay to have love at work? You bet says Steven Dearien owner of Sundance Dental Laboratory in Scottsdale, Arizona. Now get this - it's not the type of love you may be thinking of... it is real love. Caring for people and their personal needs.

I had a chance to bring a group of Scouts over to Sundance and take a tour of the lab and learn more than I wanted to know about what happens when your natural teeth "expire" for one reason or another. (The fact is - it was interesting and obvious that a good looking smile is a big confidence booster!)

Back to love at the office...

As we were leaving our tour guide took us past a rack of publications that had a picture of Steve on it and was a promotion piece for the lab. In small print at the bottom it outlined his company philosophy for Sundance - here it is:

"Love what you do. Love who you do it with. Love who you do it for."

I stared at those three sentences for a few moments and then outloud said "that's cool." What an awesome way to describe what we all want from our careers. Love is such a powerful word that you shouldn't associate it with anything unless you truly feel passionate about what you are describing.

Wouldn't everyone want to LOVE what they did for a living day, in and day out? Wouldn't you LOVE to be around uplifting people ALL day long that helped you become a better man or women in everything they said and did? And finally, would it not be awesome to love your clients and the people that you serve in your business? To really care about their success and profitibility?

You bet.

Let's make this simple... this is Mr. Dearien's company philosophy because HE BELIEVES IT. It is something he most likely conveys in everything he does in his office (I sure hope so because I have never met him), it seemed like it from the person who gave us the tour. It appeared to be a really cool place to work. I'd bet money that it is...

I would also bet that Steve wouldn't mind if every company in America adopted his philosophy. The marketplace would be a much nicer place.


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